49th World Congress of the International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC

Organizador: International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC) and College of Surgeons of Malaysia CSAMM
Sede: Hofburg, 50450 Vienna, Austria
Página web: ir a
Fecha: desde: 2022-08-15 hasta: 2022-08-18
Cuota: No especificado
Visualizaciones: 5963

Engaging and insightful, the International Surgical Week (ISW) 2022 provides a platform for scientific and clinical working groups where they can collaborate to establish the foundations for future diagnostic and surgical challenges, and discuss novel approaches and standards, facilitating progress towards real-time, patient-oriented solutions.

The congress was moved to Vienna with the support of the College of Surgeons of Malaysia CSAMM, where the 50th World Congress of the International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC will be held.

Eventos anteriores

Eventos principales
