Antonio Marioni

Antonio Marioni

Grupo Profesional
Área de interés
Cirugía General
Currently the personal operating series performed by the 1st or 2nd Surgical Clinic (1992-1999) Department of Surgery (2000-2009) Department of General Surgery (2010-2023) 2990 includes interventions of Digestive Oncology Disease, Endocrine Surgery, Abdominal Wall Reconstruction with Open or Laparoscopic tecnique.
During this period, I personally performed 1160 diagnostic and interventional endoscopies of the upper and lower digestive tract
Since January 2015 is referent of General Surgery at Day Surgery Unit and he performed 1150 surgical procedures (70% abdominal wall surgery reconstruction, 19% proctology, 11% outpatient surgery)

A particular experience has been matured in the field of minimally invasive surgery: total laparoscopic interventions included in the series are 1590 and include surgery procedures of colorectal, liver, biliary tract, kidney, adrenal, spleen, abdominal wall, and thyroid parathyroid, proctology.

Valuable experience has been gained in the reconstructive surgery of the abdominal wall with repairs of primary and incisional hernias, which consists of about 680 total interventions from 2002 to 2023.
Since 2006, when the experience of repair began with minimally invasive technique, were performed 450 laparoscopic procedures.
As for the inguinal hernia repair consists of about 2000 primary or incisional inguinal hernia repairs from 2002 to 2023.
Since 2009, when it began the repair experience with minimally invasive technique, were performed 290 laparoscopic procedures (15% of inguinal procedures).

In 2015 it began the experience of abdominal wall robotic surgery, were performed 40 abdominal wall incisional hernia repair and 13 inguinal hernia repair.
1) Course Master and tutor at 7 Course of Abdominal Wall Laparoscopic Surgery, University Hospital of Pisa, 2010-2016
2) Course Master and tutor at 20 Course of Colo-rectal Miniinvasive Surgery, University Hospital of Pisa, 2010-2018
3) Course Master and tutor at “Laparoscopic treatment of inguinal hernia”, AIMS Milano.
4) Course Master and tutor at Course of “Laparoscopic treatment of incisional ventral hernia”, AIMS Milano
5) Course Master and tutor live-surgery “Minimally invasive surgery of hernia: research, development and innovation. State of the art in Tuscany”. University Hospital of Pisa 2012.
6) Course Master and tutor “live-surgery” at Course ACOI “advanced laparoscopic surgery of incisional hernias” and training center ACOI, 2012-2018
7) Course Master and tutor “live-surgery” “Minimally invasive surgery of the abdominal wall: live-surgery and focus on the experience of the surgical groups of Tuscany”. University Hospital of Pisa, 2013.
8) Founder member of “Abdominal Wall Surgery Tuscany Group” 2014
9) Course Master and tutor and training center Italian Socety of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery (ISHAWS-European Hernia Socety - Italian Chapter) 2015-2018.
10) Web Delegate ISHAWS-EHS (Italian Socety of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery – European Hernia Socety - Italian Chapter) 2015-2018.
11) Member of Groin Pain Faculty SIA (Italian Society of Arthroscopy) 2015-2018.
12) Course Master and tutor at 2 Course of Inguinal Hernia Repair and at 2 Course of Incisional and Primitive Ventral Hernia Repair. Which Surgical Approach, University Hospital of Pisa, 2018
13) Executive Board ISHAWS-EHS (Italian Socety of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery – European Hernia Socety - Italian Chapter) 2018-2021.
14) Course Master and tutor at 2 Course of Inguinal Hernia Repair and at Course of Umbilical Hernia and diastasis Recti Repair, University Hospital of Pisa, 2023
 Partner SICE (Italian Society for Endoscopic Surgery) from 2010.
 Partner FONCaM (Breast Carcinoma National Taske Force) 1994.
 Partner ACOI (Italian Association of Hospital Surgeons) 2014
 Partner Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery (ISHAWS) EHS (European Hernia Socety) 2014-2021
 Partner SIC 2023
Publications: Author and co-author of 42 publications.
Congress: He has participated in 63 national and international congress, of which 51 as speaker.
Consensus: has participated:
 Consensus on laparoscopic incisional hernia Napoli 2010
 Consensus on Groin Pain Syndrome Milano 2016.

Materiales publicados

  • Vídeos 6
  • Imágenes 0
  • Eventos 0
  • Publicaciones 0
  • Ebooks 0
  • eLearning 0
  • Listas de reproducción 0

Separación del componente endoscópico anterior

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Secuencia didáctica del procedimiento de separación del componente anterior con técnica endoscópica mínimamente invasiva. Realicé este procedimiento en 34 pacientes con buenos resultados, con 1 caso de...

Reparación laparoscópica de hernia paraestomal

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Paciente de 68 años de edad sometido a amputación rectal por cáncer tipo Miles con colostomía terminal izquierda. Paciente refiere dolor en el sitio de la hernia y dificultades para la evacuación. El...

Triple neurectomía laparoscópica para el dolor crónico después de...

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Video caso quirúrgico: paciente sometido a reparación de hernia inguinal con prótesis anterior 18 meses antes. Posteriormente desarrolla dolor crónico aproximadamente 2 meses después de la cirugía. Se...

Reparación con malla intraperitoneal onlay (IPOM)

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Vídeo educativo donde se analizan los pasos quirúrgicos de una reparación laparoscópica de una hernia ventral incisional.

Reparación laparoscópica de hernia inguinal

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Video instructivo de reparación laparoscópica de hernia inguinal con prótesis y fijación con pegamento de cianacrilato GLUBRAN2 GLUTACK GEM.

Reparación abierta de hernia inguinal

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Video didáctico de reparación abierta de hernia inguinal.

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